Typ tekstu: Książka
Autor: Adam Czerniawski
Tytuł: Narracje ormiańskie
Rok wydania: 2003
Lata powstania: 1956-1986
the commands of His Majesty with indifferent success I was received and used honourably. In that assembly was nothing handled but matters concerning the truce; the ratifications - levies of moneys - power to the King to constitute new commissioners with plenipotence for the general treaty designed - all of which were established with the usual confusion in their Diets. I found the country so wasted and spoiled for near 100 English miles that the few houses in the village had fewer inhabitants and they no meals - the most miserable spectacle I ever beheld.

I przyszedł wilk. Pewnego razu. Żyli długo i szczęśliwie
the commands of His Majesty with indifferent success I was received and used honourably. In that assembly was nothing handled but matters concerning the truce; the ratifications - levies of moneys - power to the King to constitute new commissioners with plenipotence for the general treaty designed - all of which were established with the usual confusion in their Diets. I found the country so wasted and spoiled for near 100 English miles that the few houses in the village had fewer inhabitants and they no meals - the most miserable spectacle I ever beheld.&lt;/&gt;<br><br>PRZESŁANIE:<br>I przyszedł wilk. Pewnego razu. Żyli długo i szczęśliwie
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