Typ tekstu: Książka
Autor: Adam Czerniawski
Tytuł: Narracje ormiańskie
Rok wydania: 2003
Lata powstania: 1956-1986
to hasten into Scotland to His Majesty. How seasonable or convenient it will be considering His Majesty's weighty affairs and confluence of both nations, which needs no addition of the Polacci, His Majesty may take into consideration, with speedy instruction how we shall amuse him here. I think if he be persuaded to go see the Universities, or some of His Majesty's houses here, or to spend some time hunting, such diversion will not be amiss. It were fit some nobleman were appointed to his first reception.

Zaraz po śniadaniu przenieśliśmy się do bawialni na pierwszą lekcję. Jadąc tu, do Nunhorton
to hasten into Scotland to His Majesty. How seasonable or convenient it will be considering His Majesty's weighty affairs and confluence of both nations, which needs no addition of the Polacci, His Majesty may take into consideration, with speedy instruction how we shall amuse him here. I think if he be persuaded to go see the Universities, or some of His Majesty's houses here, or to spend some time hunting, such diversion will not be amiss. It were fit some nobleman were appointed to his first reception.&lt;/&gt;<br><br>Zaraz po śniadaniu przenieśliśmy się do bawialni na pierwszą lekcję. Jadąc tu, do Nunhorton
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