Typ tekstu: Książka
Autor: Adam Czerniawski
Tytuł: Narracje ormiańskie
Rok wydania: 2003
Lata powstania: 1956-1986
written lately to me, and I find by his letters that Gordon hath given some account of the success of the proposition of the King's marriage which, if it be good, I shall be glad to hear of.

The Parliament of Poland at Warsaw hath concluded to debar the bringing down any wares hither except peace be concluded, to treat whereof they have appointed two Commissioners, the Lord of Cracow and the Lord Zamoiskey. News from Elbing that the Dantzickers fell out with 11 ships upon 6 Swedish ships.

(Rzym., III, 2)

Rany były już zagojone, ale rekonwalescencja miała
written lately to me, and I find by his letters that Gordon hath given some account of the success of the proposition of the King's marriage which, if it be good, I shall be glad to hear of.<br><br>The Parliament of Poland at Warsaw hath concluded to debar the bringing down any wares hither except peace be concluded, to treat whereof they have appointed two Commissioners, the Lord of Cracow and the Lord Zamoiskey. News from Elbing that the Dantzickers fell out with 11 ships upon 6 Swedish ships.&lt;/&gt;&lt;/&gt;<br><br><br>&lt;div year="1965" sex="m"&gt;&lt;tit&gt;Albowiem<br>Albowiem...&lt;/&gt;<br>(Rzym., III, 2)<br><br>Rany były już zagojone, ale rekonwalescencja miała
zgłoś uwagę
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