Typ tekstu: Książka
Autor: Adam Czerniawski
Tytuł: Narracje ormiańskie
Rok wydania: 2003
Lata powstania: 1956-1986
learn of your impending arrival and I look forward to having you down here for a week-end. I am organising a little shooting party but we shall of course have time for a session tęte-C-tęte. I have one or two rather choice documents, including (would you believe it!) a "poem" - that should tickle your appetite!
Sincerely yours,
I wreszcie zniszczoną, pożółkłą wizytówkę:

Jeremiah Smith Esq., D.D., Ll.B., Stadium Manager & Funeral Director
All types of entertainments and services
Quotations on demand
The St. Martin Stadium, Clapham

Znalazłbym chyba jeszcze więcej śladów ciekawiącej mnie sprawy, lecz tegoż
learn of your impending arrival and I look forward to having you down here for a week-end. I am organising a little shooting party but we shall of course have time for a session tęte-C-tęte. I have one or two rather choice documents, including (would you believe it!) a "poem" - that should tickle your appetite! <br>Sincerely yours,<br>K. &lt;/&gt;<br>I wreszcie zniszczoną, pożółkłą wizytówkę:<br><br><br>&lt;foreign&gt;Jeremiah Smith Esq., D.D., Ll.B., Stadium Manager &amp; Funeral Director<br>All types of entertainments and services<br>Quotations on demand<br>The St. Martin Stadium, Clapham&lt;/&gt;<br><br>Znalazłbym chyba jeszcze więcej śladów ciekawiącej mnie sprawy, lecz tegoż
zgłoś uwagę
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