Typ tekstu: Książka
Autor: Adam Czerniawski
Tytuł: Narracje ormiańskie
Rok wydania: 2003
Lata powstania: 1956-1986
odpowiedź Wuja:

My Dear Theo,
I was delighted to learn of your impending arrival and I look forward to having you down here for a week-end. I am organising a little shooting party but we shall of course have time for a session tęte-C-tęte. I have one or two rather choice documents, including (would you believe it!) a "poem" - that should tickle your appetite!
Sincerely yours,
I wreszcie zniszczoną, pożółkłą wizytówkę:

Jeremiah Smith Esq., D.D., Ll.B., Stadium Manager & Funeral Director
All types of entertainments and services
Quotations on demand
The St. Martin Stadium, Clapham

odpowiedź Wuja:<br><br>&lt;foreign&gt;My Dear Theo,<br>I was delighted to learn of your impending arrival and I look forward to having you down here for a week-end. I am organising a little shooting party but we shall of course have time for a session tęte-C-tęte. I have one or two rather choice documents, including (would you believe it!) a "poem" - that should tickle your appetite! <br>Sincerely yours,<br>K. &lt;/&gt;<br>I wreszcie zniszczoną, pożółkłą wizytówkę:<br><br><br>&lt;foreign&gt;Jeremiah Smith Esq., D.D., Ll.B., Stadium Manager &amp; Funeral Director<br>All types of entertainments and services<br>Quotations on demand<br>The St. Martin Stadium, Clapham&lt;/&gt;<br><br>Znalazłbym
zgłoś uwagę
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