Typ tekstu: Książka
Autor: Adam Czerniawski
Tytuł: Narracje ormiańskie
Rok wydania: 2003
Lata powstania: 1956-1986
Since your Honour's departure, the Court is so small, and the King so much at leisure, that I wish your Honour had rather past the time here than there. Order is given to Sir John F- to find out some house out of London for the Poland Ambassador who is said to be very much afraid to be in town or place infected or suspected. It is said here that the Duke of B- is come to London in hope to get passage into Holland.

Vladislaus IIII Dei gratia electus Rex Poloniae stop Magnus dux Lithuaniae Russiae etc stop Serenissimae principi
Since your Honour's departure, the Court is so small, and the King so much at leisure, that I wish your Honour had rather past the time here than there. Order is given to Sir John F- to find out some house out of London for the Poland Ambassador who is said to be very much afraid to be in town or place infected or suspected. It is said here that the Duke of B- is come to London in hope to get passage into Holland.<br><br>Vladislaus IIII Dei gratia electus Rex Poloniae stop Magnus dux Lithuaniae Russiae etc stop Serenissimae principi
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