Typ tekstu: Książka
Autor: Adam Czerniawski
Tytuł: Narracje ormiańskie
Rok wydania: 2003
Lata powstania: 1956-1986
przeładowane - jakieś tam w sam raz. Jakby chór męski śpiewał pieśni greckie... co prawda po łacinie". (W. Witwicki)

Trusley, 17 listo.
Sir Fr. C- to Sir John C-, Knight, one of His Majesty's most honourable Privy Council:

At Stanley Grange, a house standing alone in Appletree Hundred, the doors were at first shut against us [...]. Upon search of the said house we found many rooms and chambers as I have never seen in so small a content of ground, and amongst others there was two chapels, one opening into the other, and in either of them a table set
przeładowane - jakieś tam w sam raz. Jakby chór męski śpiewał pieśni greckie... co prawda po łacinie". (W. Witwicki)<br><br>PRZESŁANIE I:<br>&lt;foreign&gt;Trusley, 17 listo. <br>Sir Fr. C- to Sir John C-, Knight, one of His Majesty's most honourable Privy Council: <br><br>At Stanley Grange, a house standing alone in Appletree Hundred, the doors were at first shut against us [...]. Upon search of the said house we found many rooms and chambers as I have never seen in so small a content of ground, and amongst others there was two chapels, one opening into the other, and in either of them a table set
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